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Newsletter Archive

The CreateDebate Newsletter is one way we keep our loyal debaters up to date as to what's going on with CreateDebate. Browse through past issues of the CreateDebate Newsletter by clicking on the links below. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in the Newsletter, let us know.


Issue 10: February 7, 2009

What are you trying to decide?

Introducing The CreateDebate Mental Stimulus Package

While lawmakers are figuring out how they can take more of taxpayer's money to give to Wall St. executives, CreateDebate wants to give YOU something free. That's why we're officially bailing out our awesome debaters via CreateDebate's Mental Stimulus Package. We will be running three different contests this month, with tons of awesome prizes courtesy of our good friends at Hachette Book Group and

Contest #1- Love is in the Air (February 7th -14th)
With Valentine's Day coming up soon, CreateDebate would like to share a little love with everyone. We will be running 5 concurrent contests through Valentine's Day, and the winner of each contest will get one free copy of all 11 books below. Winners will be selected for each of the following:
  1. The creator of the debate with the highest "Debate Score" during the contest.
  2. The creator of the debate with the most "Debate Views" during the contest. Feel free to get creative in marketing your debate. Post it to Digg, email your friends and family, encourage your co-workers to use it, or any other crazy idea that you can come up with to drive traffic to your debate.
  3. Judge's choice for best debate during the contest.
  4. Top 2 users with most points during the contest.
Note: All debates must be tagged "VDayContest" in order to be eligible for the prizes. Debates do not have to be about Valentine's Day, but relevance will be a factor in the judge's choice contest.
  1. Love in 90 Days By Diana Kirschner
  2. Sundays at Tiffany's By James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet
  3. Free Yourself to Love By Jackie Kendall
  4. The Italian Lover By Robert Hellenga
  5. Looking for Mrs. Friedman and Other Really Bad Ideas by Steve Friedman
  6. Getting Naked Again By Judith Sills
  7. We Take This Man By Candice Dow , Daaimah Poole
  8. Things I've Learned From Women Who've Dumped Me By Ben Karlin
  9. Sexcapades By HoneyB
  10. Love and Other Natural Disasters By Holly Shumas
  11. Send Yourself Roses By Kathleen Turner

Contest #2- Celebrating Diversity (February 15th -28th)
February is African American History Month, and CreateDebate is all about diversity. Diversity of thought, age, political party, ethnicity, race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, and religion are just a few of the diversity attributes that make CreateDebate such a great place. In honor of African American History Month, CreateDebate will be running 5 concurrent contests through the end of the month and the winner of each contest will get one free copy of each of the 8 books below. Winner's will be selected for each of the following:
  1. The creator of the debate with the highest "Debate Score" during the contest.
  2. The creator of the debate with the most "Debate Views" during the contest. Feel free to get creative in marketing your debate. Post it to Digg, email your friends and family, encourage your co-workers to use it, or any other crazy idea that you can come up with to drive traffic to your debate.
  3. Judge's choice for best debate during the contest.
  4. Top 2 users with most points during the contest.
Note: All debates must be tagged "AAHMContest" in order to be eligible for the prizes. Debates do not have to be about African American History Month, but relevance will be a factor in the judge's choice contest.
  1. The American Journey of Barack Obama By The Editors of Life Magazine
  2. Fledgling By Octavia Butler
  3. Stand the Storm By Breena Clarke
  4. Red River By Lalita Tademy
  5. Keep the Faith: A Memoir By Faith Evans
  6. Say You're One of Them By Uwem Akpan
  7. The Shack By William Young
  8. The Bishop's Daughter By Tiffany Warren

Contest #3- Show Your Tees (February 7th -28th)
CreateDebate has partnered with Clutch Tees to put some clothes on your back. Unleash your creativity and help Clutch Tees come up with a new T-shirt design. Post your original T-shirt idea to the Clutch Tees Debate, and the best design as voted on by the CreateDebate community will win a $20 gift certificate to Clutch Tees. If they decide to make your T-shirt, then you will receive a $50 gift certificate!

We hope that you enjoy these contests as much as we do, and we look forward to seeing some real creativity over the next month. Best of luck!

Warm Regards,
The CreateDebate Team

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