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 Which is the best type of economic system? (9)

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r23elliott(5) pic

Which is the best type of economic system?

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1 point

I think that a mixed economy is the best type of system, as there is a bit of both command and market economy mixed into one.

1 point

i agree with this because there needs to be some command involved otherwise things can go wrong and the right decisions may not alsways be made. without some command then people may take advantage of other people in the markets.

1 point

I think that market economy's are the best because it is based on the consumer and not on the government like command economy's the rate of pay is best for the division of labour and in market economy's there are more trades through exports and imports .

1 point

the mixed economy is the best because it looks at the most information and takes more peoples opinions and needs in to mind. the countries which are using mixed economies are usually the larger countries like the UK and the USA who are very large and are approaching the limits that their economies can reach. on the other hand the Command economy could be seen as the best as it is used by china and they are catching the USA and the UK rapidly and possibly will soon be the largest economy in the world. both could be seen as the best but my opinion would be mixed economies are usually better.

1 point

I believe that the market economy is the best economic system as it allows for minimal government interference so enterprises can be more productive and maximize their profits.

Decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are based on supply and demand so if you want something you can buy it whereas in a command economy resources are given based on arbitrary units such as 'need'.

1 point

I think mixed economies are the best because it is balanced. Mixed economy is an economic system in which both the state and private sector direct the economy.

1 point

I agree that the Mixed Economy is the best route to go. But Mixed and Market economies can go together well as Market economies are already involved with Mixed.

0 points

I think that a mixed economy is the best system because it allows businesses to be privately run and keeps people's freedoms but also protects consumers against any unfair business practices.

0 points

The best type of economic system is mixed economy because it allows people to have an input whilst the government still has some control. Also the USA is mixed economy and this is the leading economy in the world